You may wonder why a book is found on Merrell Remington's Holiday Closed Signs site. Well, it's because Kent Merrell wrote and if you're a reader you'll love to read it.
“The Blade of Safavid may be the best historical fiction book of 2022”
“The Blade of Safavid” delivers historical fiction lovers a feast of action and adventure as they are thrust into an odyssey through an ancient world spanning the five decades that brought the end of the Golden Age of Piracy, the collapse of the Great Persian Safavid Dynasty and the fall of the Mighty Mughal Empires; as ruthless competitors traverse the continents and oceans hunting for the greatest pirate treasure every captured—a treasure that included not just millions in gold, silver and gems, it included the priceless relic the Blade of Safavid as well as the Mughal Emperor’s own granddaughter; both taken when in 1695 an armada of five pirate ships attacks the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb’s treasure fleet on its return from its pilgrimage to Mecca.